Where To Buy Incentive Merchandise & Rewards In The Industry


  • Advertising/Sales Promotion Agency: Agency that designs or coordinates promotional programs to help clients achieve their advertising and/or marketing objectives.
  • Consultant: Advises special markets, provides management and sales information for companies entering the premium/incentive marketplace.
  • Distributor: See Promotion Product Consultant.
  • Fulfillment Company: Warehouses and fulfills awards for incentive programs.
  • Incentive House: Company that designs and administers incentive programs and fulfills program awards. Additional services often include design of print and online award catalogs.
  • Manufacturer: (Manufacturer/Supplier) Company that manufactures durable products that are marketed and sold to the Incentive and/or Promotional market.
  • Manufacturers Representative or Representative: Represents the manufacturer or supplier as a direct factory agent to purchasers of premium and incentive merchandise. Usually works within a defined geographic territory.
  • National Marketing Company: Company’s primary function is to represent a manufacturer(s) in the marketing and sales of durable products to the Incentive and/or Promotional market.
  • Promotional Product Consultant: Company’s primary function is to source merchandise and provide services to corporations who desire Incentive or Promotional Marketing products.
  • Performance Improvement Company: Provides full-service solutions for their clients that include incentive marketing programs that offer a variety of awards including travel, merchandise, and gift cards/certificates. Capable of providing program design, fulfillment, performance tracking and Return on Investment (ROI) analysis.
  • Recognition Provider: Provide strategic recognition solutions or consult on the design/delivery of strategic recognition programs -- focus which may be on strategy, design, communications, training, implementation, award fulfillment, tracking and/or measurement.
  • Reseller: Independent companies which are authorized to purchase and resell a manufacturer’s product(s).
  • Supplier: A company that manufactures, imports, converts, imprints or otherwise produces or processes products offered for sale through the Incentive and/or Promotional market.
  • Travel Specialist: Company that offers accommodations, transportation, event management or destination management services as a component of individual or group incentive program.