Why Join IMRA?
Incentive Merchandise To Reward & Appreciate (IMRA) is dedicated to a focus on brand name merchandise as the vehicle to improve business. IMRA's purpose is to promote the highest professional standards of interaction between representative and manufacturer members thereby contributing to the growth, understanding and excellence of the Incentive Industry.
IMRA has been the leader in the incentive marketplace for over forty years, and is IMRA the only organization in the incentive marketplace that is dedicated to:
- Advancing the representative/manufacturer working relationship; IMRA is the only organization in the incentive field advocating going to market with representatives.
- Promoting the use of brand name products accessed through special markets as preferred choice to the incentive channel
- Advocating, promoting, and protecting the rep-function.
IMRA’s Rep/Manufacturer Agreement outlines industry standards and practices.
IMRA's membership includes qualified representatives,
manufacturers, national marketing companies, technology/resource
providers, industry trade press and key industry stakeholders.
IMRA Member Benefits
Incentive Merchandise To Reward & Appreciate (IMRA) is a strategic industry group within the Incentive Marketing Association
(IMA). Business improves when employees and customers are recognized,
rewarded and engaged through effectively structured programs with
defined goals and proven returns. The Incentive Marketing Association is
comprised of companies who are leaders in the $90 billion incentive
Read the IMA Membership Brochure to find out the benefits of IMA & IMRA membership