Brand Name Products Are Powerful Branded Gifts & Incentives
What is a Brand?
Google "brand” and you'll see thousands of definitions. In IMRA's view, these are the most accurate:
- A Brand is the name, term, design, symbol. or any other feature that distinguishes that product, service or company from other sellers.
- A Brand is the essence or promise that a product, service or company will deliver or be experienced by a customer.
- Renowned advertising executive David Ogilvy defines it as, the intangible sum of a product's attributes - i.e. its name.
Leverage brand name merchandise that people desire the most. Because most brands elicit a powerful reaction, you want merchandise that you use to reward or recognize customers and employees to be received favorably. When you choose merchandise brands that complement your company brand, the gift or reward becomes even more powerful.
Why use Brand Name Merchandise?
- Strategic Partnerships: Brand names allow you to leverage products to support your own company or product brand attributes. An IMRA professional can provide information on brand demographics and other qualities that can be used to strengthen your marketing message.
- Recipient Experience: The feeling you get when you receive a brand name gift or reward is quite different than receiving a generic or "no-name” product. Because customer and employee appreciation is all about the experience, why take chances with an unknown brand? Make sure the gift you give supports your message rather than undermines it. IMRA professionals can provide all of the information you need on the brand you're considering and its standing in the marketplace.
- Recipient Expectation: As one of the definitions above states, a Brand is the promise that a product will deliver. Each brand name product brings with it a level of expectation as to the quality of that product and how it will perform. Your recipient will have the expectation of a positive experience when presented with a brand name product.
What makes IMRA suppliers the preferred solution for the corporate marketplace?
- IMRA was created for you. The Incentive Manufacturers and Representatives Alliance was formed to provide a professional relationship between brands and their representatives, specifically to supply brand name merchandise to the corporate channel.
- Trust and Reliability. When businesses use merchandise to reward, recognize or otherwise show appreciation for customers and employees, there is a responsibility to make sure the experience is positive and all merchandise is delivered as promised. IMRA suppliers understand these needs and have systems in place to ensure they're met.