IESP Blog - Latest Incentive & Sales Solutions

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We are also asking members to help us update the content of the documents we currently have available. We are particularly interested in having members update the documents they helped to create in the past.

Tomorrow’s Top Trends in Incentive and Reward Programs

Incentive & Engagement Solution Providers (IESP) members shared best practices and gathered trend information during the Incentive Marketing Association’s 2024 IMA Summit.

Unleashing the Power of Blockchain: 7 Ways It Can Transform Incentive Programs for the Future

In the ever-evolving landscape of incentive and engagement solutions, the rise of blockchain technology is poised to usher in a new era of transparency, trust, and efficiency. As organizations continue to seek innovative ways to motivate their key participants, blockchain emerges as a transformative force of design and execution for reward and incentive programs, which can significantly influence the way programs are designed and executed.

Long-term Success Starts with a Successful Incentive Program Rollout

Often, when we talk about running a successful channel incentive program, we’re looking at the big picture. Programs can run for many years, and much of the strategy discussion focuses on long-term goals. While the long-term is important to keep in mind, what about the essential steps in that first key phase – the rollout?

Breaking Down Breakage

A number of studies and surveys show the positive impact expressions of gratitude have on employees’ mental wellbeing and productivity. For example, American Psychological Association researchers found that 93% of employees who reported feeling valued said that they are motivated to do their best at work. According to a Glassdoor Employee Appreciation Survey, 70% of employees would feel better about themselves if their boss were more grateful, and 81% would work harder. But a recent survey of frontline healthcare workers caught our attention because it emphasizes the importance of issuing employee rewards on a regular and frequent timetable . . . Continue reading.

Reduce Turnover by Rewarding Employees More Frequently With Digital Gift Cards

A number of studies and surveys show the positive impact expressions of gratitude have on employees’ mental wellbeing and productivity. For example, American Psychological Association researchers found that 93% of employees who reported feeling valued said that they are motivated to do their best at work. According to a Glassdoor Employee Appreciation Survey, 70% of employees would feel better about themselves if their boss were more grateful, and 81% would work harder. But a recent survey of frontline healthcare workers caught our attention because it emphasizes the importance of issuing employee rewards on a regular and frequent timetable . . . Continue reading.

Why All Incentive Programs Should Incorporate a Recognition Component

No matter what the tangible award is, the act of recognition allows your achievers to display their achievement (and your appreciation) to their co-workers, friends, family, prospects, clientele, etc. . . Continue reading.

How to Increase Sales with Self-Selected Incentive Programs

It's no secret that offering incentives to increase sales is a time-tested, effective marketing tactic. That's why so many companies offer both employees and customers incentives to boost their sales, and why so many people are interested in learning about how to increase sales with incentive programs. Continue reading  

Why Understanding Motivation, not Preference, is Key to Developing Successful Reward Programs

New IESP White paper “Finding the Best Motivator – Tangible Rewards vs. Cash” reviews the science of what motivates and why cash may be preferred but is not as effective as tangible rewards.

A new white paper from the Incentive & Engagement Solution Providers (IESP) “Finding the Best Motivator – Tangible Rewards vs. Cash,” provides a deeper understanding of what potential recipients say they want vs motivation drivers, and how employers and sales leaders can use this information to shape reward programs that increase motivation and improve business performance. Continue reading

Creating a Resilient Workforce for Today and Tomorrow

IESP members provide insights and examples of the role reward and recognition programs can play in creating a resilient, mission-focused organization.

When “shelter at home” mandates were being announced organizations scrambled to take care of  essentials employees would need to work from home such as computer equipment and teleconferencing systems. Continue reading

Why You Need the Right Software for Your Channel Incentive Program

At a 50,000-foot perspective, most companies see an indirect sales incentive program as a way to keep their partners engaged, motivated, and informed about the products they manufacture. Continue reading

channel incentive program software, incentive programs, online channel incentives, incentives ROI, channel incentive systems, incentive strategies, effective management

The Evolution of the All-Inclusive

An all-inclusive resort vacation is a safe, fun way to do everything you want at an affordable price. They offer all the amenities you could find at any other hotel, including world-class dining, entertainment, and cultural activities. Everything’s included, even taxes and tips. Travelers can fully relax, knowing that when they check out there won’t be any surprises because everything is included in the upfront rate. All these reasons and more are why we love using all-inclusive resorts in our travel programs. Continue reading

travel incentives, employee recognition, sales incentives, incentive programs, all-inclusive resorts

New IESP White Paper Provides Strategies for Reducing Employee Turnover and Tools for Calculating ROI

Studies show that on average, 27%, or nearly a third of employees, voluntarily leave their jobs each year resulting in their employers having to spend up to 20% of a person’s annual salary to replace each employee.* The new white paper from the Incentive Engagement & Solution Providers (IESP,) a Strategic Industry Group of the Incentive Marketing Association, provides step-by-step guidance and eight downloadable calculator tools to help managers develop strategies for reducing employee turnover, track the costs, and understand the ROI. Continue reading

Using Employee Communication to Reach a Multi-Generational Workforce

Ernst and Young report that 75% of managers say that managing a multi-generational workforce is a challenge. Furthermore, managers find formulating messages that are relevant to every generation to be a difficult task.  Since every generation has a unique DNA, how do you bridge the gap? We were able to sit down with workplace psychologist, Brandon Smith, to find our answer. Continue reading

generational differences, employee communication, generation gap, generational workforce, multi-generation, communication plan, effective communication, baby boomers, generation x, millennials, generation y

President’s Clubs: The Sales Incentive Program You Should Be Planning

There are many ways to motivate someone. As a new parent, I’ve started thinking about this stuff, about the various strategies I could use to get my son to be the best he can be. Do I use a “tough love” approach—similar to my old high school football coach’s philosophy that “pain is weakness leaving the body”—or do I offer the type of constant encouragement that’s linked to the “everybody gets a trophy” crowd so reviled by these older-school types? Continue reading

motivation, sales incentives, incentive programs, president’s club program, chairman’s club, diamond club, recognition programs, employee recognition 

6 Reasons to Re-evaluate Your Channel Incentive Solution Provider

You’ve been using a professional channel incentive program platform, and perhaps it’s been adequate. But even if you’re seeing improved sales results and program participation, is your program really running as efficiently as it could be? Is it the most cost-effective solution for what you’re trying to accomplish? Though there are quite a number of channel incentive solution providers out there, certain elements of their products, services, or contracts can make the difference on the overall success and ROI of your program. Continue reading

channel incentive management, channel incentive solutions, ROI, channel incentive platform, incentive solution provider, channel incentive promotions, channel incentive reporting 

7 Reasons To Use a Sales Incentive Travel Program

We love travel. When HMI was first created nearly 40 years ago, it was initially only as an incentive travel and meetings company. As time has passed and we’ve expanded into other areas of incentives, incentive travel has always remained close to our hearts. Continue reading

incentive travel, incentive program, sales incentives, incentive rewards, employee retention, gamification

3 Ways to Build the Best Sales Incentive Program for Your Team

In a world where the best talent is in short supply, your sales incentives program could be the make or break to your company's success. However, it's not enough to have a sales incentive program, but you also need one that works. If you want to beat your competitor, you can’t just rely on cash bonuses and commission to entice your sales teams to work hard. Continue reading

incentive programs, employee loyalty, employee recognition, incentive program channels, sales incentives, performance improvement, rewards management

Are You a Channel Incentive DIYer?

Most manufacturers know that channel incentive programs are an effective way to engage and connect with their sales representatives, distributors, dealers and more in a way that ultimately benefits their bottom line. Continue reading

Insider Tips: How to Budget for your Employee Recognition Program

Effective employee recognition programs are tied to an increase in employee retention and employee engagement. Continue reading

The Science of Social Recognition

The key to motivation in the modern workplace is social recognition. How can your employee rewards program take advantage of this phenomenon? Continue reading

3 Leading Indicators of Sales Incentive Success

Incentives sales is a lagging indicator. Tracking incentive sales only reflects what’s already been done. It’s like getting the final score of a football game after it has been played. It’s already too late to do anything to change the outcome. Continue reading

Motivating Channel Reps

A channel incentives program can either hit or miss the mark when it comes to motivating channel reps. With the right components in place, you can have a very successful promotion, bringing in increased revenue and a better relationship with your channel reps. Continue reading

Building Brands and Loyalty: Why Your Incentive Program Needs to Change

Multiple studies suggest that more and more business value lies not in tangible products and output, but in the intangible assets of a business, such as human capital. Continue reading

How to Truly Engage Your Customers

Just as core business functions have evolved, the way consumers interact with businesses has changed dramatically. Customer interactions are no longer about just a sales transaction. Consumers want valuable relationships with their brands, a connection that goes beyond the value of a product or service.
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4 Ways to Determine Your Rewards Program ROI

Employee recognition and rewards programs are important for increasing workplace engagement and making staff feel valued. In fact, 75 percent of employees formally recognized for their effort at least once a month claimed to be very satisfied with their job, HR today reports. Continue reading

How to Target Your Entire Sales Team With Individual Rewards

Your sales team may work cohesively at times, but ultimately they are still a group of individuals with different motivations. Finding a way of rewarding everyone equally can be a challenge - but there are ways to do it! Continue reading

Why It's Time To Redefine Employee Engagement

Employee engagement has always been crucial to the success of any business. How can you expect to deliver stellar products or services without a team that is giving 100 percent? The proof is in the numbers. Continue reading

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