Strategies for Reducing Employee Turnover and Tools for Calculating ROI


The numbers are powerful. According to the Work Institute 2019 Retention Report, more than three in four employees could have been retained by employers. Fortunately, employers can see measurable return on investment (ROI) by reducing employee turnover. The first step towards convincing management to act on employee retention is to give them a concrete financial benefit to the company for taking action.
Our new white paper Strategies for Reducing Employee Turnover and Tools for Calculating ROI outlines concepts for building a more stable workforce and adding to bottom-line cost savings. The white paper comes with two downloadable toolboxes filled with calculators designed to help you track turnover costs and measure ROI.

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Turnover Costs & ROI Toolboxes

These toolboxes contain multiple calculators to help you measure and track the many factors involved in measuring turnover costs and determining the ROI of your strategies to reduce turnover.

Download Turnover Costs & ROI Toolboxes