Jim Atten Elected IMA Board President

New officers and directors announced for 2023-2024 Incentive Marketing Association Board

MINNEAPOLIS – Aug. 1, 2023 – The Incentive Marketing Association (IMA) has elected Jim Atten, vice president of client development, The Wolfe Companies, as its 2023-2024 board president, and announced new officers and directors.

Atten has been in the gift card space for over 15 years. Prior to The Wolfe Companies, he led the growth of gift card programs at RetailMeNot, RPG Card Services, and Sears Holdings. Atten is a past president of the Incentive Gift Card Coalition (IGCC) and has co-chaired IMA’s Corporate Outreach Committee.  

“The IMA is the only organization that represents every segment of the incentive and recognition marketplace. Our unique position and growing membership enable IMA members to provide an exceptionally broad range of products and services to corporations looking to improve business performance,” Atten said.

“With a membership that now spans 30 countries across the globe, I look forward to continuing our growth and success as we enter our 25th anniversary year,” he added.

The IMA also elected Jeffrey Brenner, CPIM, Seiko Watch of America, LLC, executive vice president; Brian Dodds, CRP, IP, Dash Solutions, vice president; Jen Brumley, Gift Solutions from Fiserv, treasurer; Oran Nevin, Workhuman, secretary; and Fintan Connolly, Motisha, past president.

Newly elected board directors are Yesha Bansal, Macy’s Inc.; Kate Fabienke, CPIM, RepLink/The DataDirect Group; Agnes Fasano, Celebrity Cruises, Inc.; and R Scott Russell, CRP, CEP, C.A. Short Company.

Returning and appointed board directors are Julie Barbier-Leblan, Merit Incentives; Mike Donnelly, CPIM, Hinda Incentives; Peter Friend, Global Hotel Card By Expedia; David Gould, CPIM, 360insights; Karen Gray, CRP, PMP, O.C. Tanner; Andrew Johnson, Diggecard; Matt Kerper, The Wolfe Companies; Sarah Kunard, The Genevieve Group, LLC; Cindy Mielke, CPIM, Tango; Lore Rincon, Continental Premium Corporation; Tasha Sharp, Sharp Incentives; Lincoln Smith, IP, HMI Performance Incentives; and Hollis Thornton, CPIM, TOTUS Gift Card Management LLC.

About IMA

The Incentive Marketing Association (IMA) connects members from leading companies across the marketplace to create a unified voice and growth for the incentive industry. IMA is the umbrella organization for the Incentive & Engagement Solution Providers (IESP), Incentive Gift Card Coalition (IGCC), Incentive Merchandise To Reward & Appreciate (IMRA), Incentive Travel Council (ITC), Recognition Professionals International (RPI), IMA Europe, IMA Brasil and IMA Middle East, Africa & Asia Pacific (IMA MEAPAC). Members have the expertise, leading brands, and services to help companies improve their business with reward, recognition, loyalty, and engagement programs.

Contact: Ione Terrio • iterrio@incentivemarketing.org • 952-928-4649

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