How Top Companies Reward Employees

RPI developed its 7 Best Practice Standards® to help your organization recognize your employees and increase overall engagement. Standard 1 is recognition strategy and standard 2 is recognition training. Learn how to reward your employees in the best way possible — read on to see how some of the top companies are doing it so that you can implement it into your training process.


Apple is said to reward independent thinking. They routinely reward employees with stock, product discounts and volunteering incentives. Additionally, they throw parties for their employees such as the annual Apple Beer Bash which has featured Weezer and Falloutboy.


Zappos is well-known for their recognition programs. There is the “Zollar” program, where employees can earn Zollars by helping others or doing particularly good work. Employees redeem them at a little store with company swag. They also have employee-to-employee rewarding where co-workers can give each other $50. They definitely top the list of creative rewards.


Google has their “gThanks” program, where employees are encouraged to shout-out other employees when they have done something great. There is also a peer bonus program, where co-workers can nominate each other for cash bonuses. Google has a wide variety of awards, big and small, to help motivate their employees.


O.C. Tanner
O.C. Tanner creates employee recognition software, so it makes sense that they made Fortune 100’s “Best to Work For” list. According to Life Hack, they use a lot of fun rewards such as merchandise, gift cards and trophies. They also lean hard into employee-to-employee recognition.


In his first letter to shareholders, CEO Jeff Bezos explained that employees should act like owners. He also outlined a long-term strategy for keeping talent. “Amazonians,” as employees are called, receive long-term stock options. Additionally, after one year at the company, Amazon will pay 95% of the tuition for courses that teach skills that are in-demand, even if they are not relevant to Amazon.


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