ITC Resources & Incentive Travel Solutions

Experiences Will Always Motivate People to Excel

September 2021

Sales & Marketing Management magazine article by Paul Nolan
Group travel has been the foundation of sales incentive efforts for almost as long as there have been sales incentive efforts. And for good reason. Travel has long ranked among the most motivational, memorable and appreciated forms of recognition by program participants.

What’s more, as with any well-structured incentive campaign, the bump in incremental sales should cover the cost of the program with enough left over to provide a hefty increase to revenue for the period . . . Continue Reading

Bucket List Travel

October 2017

Reward Incentives Not Just for Individual Travelers Anymore By Nancy Alderman, IP
For many years I have watched my specialty travel advisors help customers who had saved reward points for years to fulfill their dreams with once-in-a-lifetime “bucket list” travel adventures. Trips to Machu Picchu, an Incan citadel set high in the Andes Mountains of Peru, or Antarctica, where you can be surrounded by penguins and watch whales and seals, are just two examples. READ HERE>>

Choice & Unique Experiences Make Individual Travel An Effective Incentive

October 2017

Many company leaders understand the powerful link between employee rewards & recognition and employee engagement, but are not certain which rewards will work best for their audience. The Incentive Travel Council, (ITC) discusses why individual travel certificates make effective corporate incentives. READ MORE>>

Why Incentive Travel Leads in Inspiring Employee Performance

May 2017

By: Michael Upp, Senior Vice President, Mitch Stuart, Inc.
Silicon Valley has turned workplace incentives into an art form. From foosball tables to in-cafeteria sushi chefs, from napping pods to bike repair shops, offices in the San Francisco Bay area can amuse workers for hours on end.
But when it’s time to get down to business, companies like Facebook and Adobe know that one of the best ways to inspire a group to perform is by offering a chance to travel. READ MORE >>

The Business Case for Incentive Travel


For decades leading executives have sought to optimize the performance of their people. Tools have changed. The economy has changed. But interest in engagement and performance has not. Today, with strong job growth, the entrance of more generations in the workplace than ever before, and the extreme specialization required within virtually every job, this executive interest has heightened in recent years. Consultants now focus on helping executives calibrate the cash-based and non-cash motivators available to maximize performance. READ MORE>>> 

Incentive Travel Recovering from Belly-flop

After a lengthy downturn in workforce incentive travel programs, businesses are now starting to jump back into the pool. . . One of many organizations finding creative ways to incorporate incentive travel is DriveSavers, based in Novato, California, a leader among data recovery service providers. According to CEO Jay Hagan, DriveSavers offers incentive travel rewards because "we give our professionals the opportunity for experiences they will never forget; something that stays with them, and becomes a permanent part of their narrative." READ MORE>>

Behavioral Economics of Incentive Travel

October 2010

In good times and bad, reward and recognition programs help excite and engage these major constituents who are responsible for achieving organizational performance. Although only part of the total mix, incentive travel -- group travel, individual travel, or motivational event – is unlike other reward and recognition programs. Incentive travel creates experiences other programs can’t achieve. (October 2010) READ MORE>>