IMA Summit 2018 -IGCC At The Summit

IGCC will sponsor an education session and Membership Meeting at the 2018 IMA Summit. Be sure your travel plans accommodate IGCC's scheduled events, listed below, so you make maximize your time at the IMA Summit.

Incentive Marketplace Insights 

Monday, July 23 | 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm

Megg Withinton, Managing Partner/Chief Research Advisor of The Intellective Group and the Incentive Research Foundation, will provide insights into relevant market data, that will equip IMA members with the information needed to inform market strategies. The goal of this session is to translate research highlights into compelling market opportunities and considerations for the membership.

IGCC Membership Meeting

Monday, July 23 | 3:30 pm - 5:30 pm

Followed directly by the IGCC education session is our membership meeting. Topics to include: 

  • Legislative & Regulatory updates
  • How to value a gift card program roundtable session results and continued discussion
  • Ice Breaker
  • IGCC updates